Dear customers,
Most of our machinery comes with an internet connection module, allowing us to diagnose your equipment remotely. All of our machinery is backed by a 24-month warranty, which covers defects arising from faulty parts, materials, or manufacturing. You can see our Guarantee terms below.
Gluestream s.r.o., hereinafter referred to as the Guarantor, shall guarantee good quality and proper functioning of the purchased equipment if used in the manner appropriate for the purpose thereof and in accordance with the operation manual, and shall provide warranty services subject to the following conditions:
1. This Warranty covers the defects resulting from defective parts, materials or manufacturing if such defects are revealed during the warranty period.
2. The device is considered defective if it fails to perform the functions as indicated in the operation manuals, technical specifications, or any other similar documents supplied with the equipment, and the failure is due to internal device characteristics.
3. The Warranty does not cover consumables or parts of limited regular functionality due to their natural wear and tear.
4. The Warranty does not cover any software by third-party manufacturers or vendors, that is installed on the device under repair and delivered along with the device to the Guarantor Service Center.
5. The Guarantor shall not be held responsible for the loss and restoration of any software or data.
6. Warranty repairs carried out within 14 days of treatment with the appropriate claim in the event of necessary spare parts present in stock of the Guarantor.
7. Removing defects and damages time could be extended in case a replacement parts will be imported or the defected or damage device will be shipped to producer’s service center.
8. The Guarantor reserves the right to charge the Warranty beneficiary with the costs of service, transportation, insurance and customs clearance if the defect does not fall within the scope of this Warranty or the device has not been proven defective.
9. The Warranty does not cover:
a. Mechanical or electric damages resulting from incorrect installation, configuration, usage or other activities inconsistent with the operation manual or contradictory to technical specifications attached to the device;
b. Damages caused by acts of God, floods, fires, lighting or other natural disasters, wars, unexpected events, inappropriate voltage, defective supply materials or other external factors;
c. The device that has been tempered with by the Warranty beneficiary or any other person in any way, including reconfiguration, repair, willful constructional variations, modifications and adjustments;
d. The device with serial numbers and/or the Guarantor seals damaged or illegible;
e. The activities specified in the operation manual, which remain the sole responsibility of the Customer in his own capacity and at his own expense;
f. Defects resulting from the usage of improper or non-genuine supply materials;
g. Damages due to the user's fault or lack of knowledge;
h. Defective functioning of the device caused by a conflict or incompatibility between software applications installed on the damaged device or on the equipment, which the device permanently cooperates with in accordance with the intended purpose of the device.
10. The Guarantor reserves the right to replace the defective device or its component with a free-of-defects equivalent thereof, provided that such equivalent ensures efficiency and functionality equal to or higher than the original device or component. The replaced defective device or components shall become the property of the Guarantor.
11. The Warranty period is extended by the time during which the repaired device stays under guarantee service.
12. The Guarantor shall not be held responsible for any failure in performance of the obligations as stipulated in this Warranty, whenever such failure is caused by a force majeure afflicting the Guarantor or the manufacturer of the device. Force majeure means any event or circumstance beyond reasonable control of the Guarantor which prevents the Guarantor from performing the obligations stipulated in this Warranty, or results in the performance of the Warranty services that is inconsistent with the conditions stated herein, and which could not have been foreseen by the Guarantor acting with the professional accuracy at the moment of assuming obligations under this Warranty.
13. The Guarantor reserves the right to refuse to provide any Warranty services if it would result in a breach of applicable laws.
14. The rights granted by this Warranty shall not include the right of the Warranty beneficiary to claim any lost profits in connection with defects of the device. The Guarantor shall not be held responsible for any material losses caused by the defective product.
15. This General Warranty Terms and Conditions may be changed if the Buyer and the Guarantor establish different conditions in a separate agreement, and the provisions thereof supersede the respective provisions of the Privacy and Terms and Conditions.